Thursday, July 3, 2014

June was busy!

Hendrix LOVES being outside

Fishing at Morgan Lake with Shem

He loves sitting up! He holds his head up really well, but we propped it up just to be safe

Hex is one happy boy! (Also, this shirt was Dylan's when he was a baby)

Food Coma. And another of Dad's shirts.
It was actually really hot so Hex had squirmed around until his shirt was up. Adorable.

Conducting music in his sleep

Look at that face!

We went up to Seattle for Father's Day. All of the sibs but Kyle (he had to work), Will and Keith (on missions!) so all 14 grandkids were there! It was such a fun trip (minus Dylan being really sick.....cold or mono or something)

Lance and Hendrix
Natalie put together this really cute basket for my Dad and we all put our gifts to him in there. There are veggie baskets for the grill, cookies, books (Grandpa LOVES reading to the kids!), a new game we love called Scheming and Skulking, and some various other things (I don't remember them all!) Natalie did a great job and Dad loved it!

Natalie reading to the grandkids. They dove into Grandpa's new book stash right away!

Dad and me conversing while our dinners digest

Uncle Scott and Hex

This is the game Scheming and Skulking (similar to Trump or Rage). This might not look like much
but Sean took this set with a purple ONE! Hahaha it was so great. He didn't want another
set. Four Escapes in one round!

Cousins sleeping together

Dad and Hendrix taking a little rest

The morning we left my parents we started packing up right after I fed Hex the first time (around 4:30)
My Mom got up and came and took Hendrix and they cuddled on the couch until we left

We stopped by in Tri-Cities on the way home to visit Jess and Terrah! Terrah had gone to Yakima
the night before the visit her family though, we just missed her! We had fun seeing Jess though.
Hex doesn't know what to think about him though.....

Visiting Nana at work!

Dylan decided he needed a new desk. Tom has a bunch of spare hardwood floor so Dylan went and picked some out and used that to build this desk! It replaced the huge bulky desk he use to have and now both of us fit in Dylan's office.

Waiting for another coat of Danish Oil

Hendrix is discovering his hands. He loves to grab things and tries to put his whole fist in his mouth.
He had grabbed his passy and I helped him find his mouth. He hasn't figured out the whole
let go part though, so he kept pulling his passy out of his mouth. He was getting so upset, and it
was so freaking adorable.

The new desk!

Kim and Sean were going to Twin Falls for the weekend and fortunately for us we are on the way! They left a day early so they could spend some time with us. Everett fell asleep watching Harry Potter in Spanish :)

Asher holding Maverick and Hendrix

Pro Loungers

look at this grumpy face! I wasn't feeding him fast enough. I love this boy so so much!

All smiles for Dad!

He squirmed and squirmed and this is how he wanted to sleep.

Sunday Best

I look tired, but I'm really just concentrating ;) Hex feels so sweet when he sleeps. Of course, he always feels so sweet :)

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