Monday, July 7, 2014

Hendrix - 3 Months

Photo courtesy of Carly Carlson Photography
This sweet baby turned 3 months old today. Hendrix weighs almost 14 pounds and is extremely vocal and smily. He is starting to get a good giggle going on. He recently discovered his hands and loves to suck on them. The noisier his sucking the happier he seems to be! Hex loves to sit up and is acting like he is almost ready to be sitting on his own. He still hates tummy time, but tolerates it a lot better then he did before. He only gets up once at night, and the last few nights it hasn't been until 5 or 5:30am, so he is almost sleeping through the night! It's so fun to see him interact more with the world around him. It totally makes our day when he smiles when he sees us. He knows who we are for sure! Hendo and Atticus are getting along just great, but he's still too little to really play with Atti. The friendship is growing though. We sure love this boy and are loving being parents. He brings so much joy into our lives. We love you Hendrix!


  1. ... LOL ... you really do not need to credit me for an instagram photo... or for any photo... hahahaha <3 love you guys! he is so sweet. i love seeing hendrix!!
