Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A couple videos

Dad reading to Hex

Dylan was playing the piano this morning (yes, this is what he sounds like minus a finger) and Hex LOVED it. He started singing along. Dylan would stop, and Hex would stop. Dylan would start up again and Hendrix jumped right in. This went on for about 10 minutes. It was so incredibly sweet. It wont be long before this baby is pounding out on the piano himself and writing some of his own music!

The Past Two Weeks

July 9, 2014 - We woke up and this boy
was so happy and looked so grown up to me!

His drool production has gone way up.....

Atticus and Hendrix chilling in the shade while
Dylan and I weed the gardens
These boys all love each other so much!

We helped Tom and Glenda build a patio at their house.
Hex wanted to help Dad on the skid steer!

Ripping up the back yard.

Some days I helped, some days I had work and
meetings so I just hung out in my spare time.
Hendrix loved watching all the work!

Glenda is as strong as a skid steer!

July 14, 2014 - Hendrix's view today. 

Dad taking a break with his boys

Watching Dad work makes this boy sleepy

Hendrix had so many stories to tell Dad at the end of the day.

July 15, 2014 - The Carlson cousins kept us company today!

Dad is so beat at the end of the day. Working in this heat is tough!

July 17, 2014 - Another day on the job!

Dylan repainted his bike and Lisa made some vinyl for him!
(the flag is on crooked, we are fixing it!)

This boy loves to sit up!

Dylan read Hendrix "Eating the Alphabet"
It was so precious. Hendrix really was paying attention, and Dylan had these silly voices
and comments about the different foods. It was such a sweet moment to share with them.

July 21, 2014 - The LAST day on the job!

Almost finished!

These next pictures are a little gruesome! Dylan was using a 16 ounce mallet to pound some of the pavers that weren't lining up the way he wanted to. He was just wailing on these things, full swings. He lost track of where his finger was and brought the mallet down, full strength, onto his left pointer finger. His finger literally exploded. There was so much pressure it blew out the tip of his leather glove. He jumped up and started yelling and ripped off his glove. I saw blood spray across the pavers and jumped up to help him. Dylan started running around the house and I was worried about him passing out (he doesn't do well with his own blood, plus just smashed his finger....) so I chased him around the house. He finally laid down in the grass. We got him to calm down and Tom gave him a blessing. We left Hendrix with Tom (thankfully he was sleeping) and I took Dylan to the hospital. He had to get 3 x-rays to see if he broke anything. He crushed his bone! Everything should heal together alright though. He had to get 4 stitches and an IV drip of antibiotics (they were really worried about infection getting into his bone). I think having that IV in his arm for 15 minutes was the worst part for him, but he didn't pass out (or cry, Asher and Lance!). He was such a trooper.

Waiting to be admitted

Waiting for stitches
The doctor said it would be able 6 weeks before he can play guitar again and about 6 months before things are back to normal. Despite this, our house is still musical! Dylan's guitar and piano skills are still incredible impressive even when he can't use his left pointer! Dylan was saying he was grateful he did it to himself and someone else didn't hit him. I beg to differ! Dylan is the strongest one that was working on the project. If Tom or I accidentally hit him we couldn't have done half the damage he did to himself! He is still in a lot of pain, but recovering really well. He is bummed that this will probably inhibit him from pulling crab pots when we go out with my family, and it's delayed family bike rides, and we just barely got Dyl's bike put back together!

Despite the break in the middle of the day, we still finished the patio! We broke it in with a BBQ and s'mores :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Just a few pictures

Some sleepy boys in Sunday School
July 6, 2014

All Smiles All the Time!
July 7, 2014

This boy LOVES sitting up. And being naked.
July 7, 2014

New clothes from Aunt Amber!
July 8, 2014

Hanging out with Papa
July 8, 2014

July 8, 2014

Just Relaxing. Look at that technique!
July 8, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Hendrix - 3 Months

Photo courtesy of Carly Carlson Photography
This sweet baby turned 3 months old today. Hendrix weighs almost 14 pounds and is extremely vocal and smily. He is starting to get a good giggle going on. He recently discovered his hands and loves to suck on them. The noisier his sucking the happier he seems to be! Hex loves to sit up and is acting like he is almost ready to be sitting on his own. He still hates tummy time, but tolerates it a lot better then he did before. He only gets up once at night, and the last few nights it hasn't been until 5 or 5:30am, so he is almost sleeping through the night! It's so fun to see him interact more with the world around him. It totally makes our day when he smiles when he sees us. He knows who we are for sure! Hendo and Atticus are getting along just great, but he's still too little to really play with Atti. The friendship is growing though. We sure love this boy and are loving being parents. He brings so much joy into our lives. We love you Hendrix!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July Weekend

We had a Hendrickson family reunion Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It was at Emigrant Springs, which is about 20 minutes from our house, so we drove up every day rather than camp out. It was a lot of fun. Friday the 4th we played so hard and got home around 9. We were completely beat. These boys passed out right away. Needless to say, we didn't stay up for fireworks.

The next morning I changed Hendrix's diaper and didn't put clothes on him yet because I wanted to put sunscreen on him first. Dylan and I were both showering and getting ready. Hex was just talking up a storm! He has become so vocal. He just talked and talked and talked and talked himself to sleep.

The family reunion was just in the morning on Saturday (today) so we went up and helped clean up. Shem's sister and family were in town and wanted to go hiking so as soon as we got home we turned around and headed up to Anthony Lakes. Anthony Lake itself was pretty crowded so we drove down the road a bit to the ski lift and hiked around there. It was absolutely gorgeous. There was still a tiny bit of snow in some places but it was in the 70's! I wore Hendrix in the baby carrier and got all nice and sweaty.

Dylan and Atticus exploring

There was this narrow stream running to Mud Lake. It was skinny enough we could jump over it (I had to find a narrower spot as I had a baby strapped to my chest!) but it was REALLY deep. Probably around 4 feet deep. Dylan and Levi (Carly and Shem's nephew) were looking at the fish with Kody, one of Levi's dogs.

Levi with Atticus, Kody, and Tok (Levi's other dog). The pups were in heaven. They had so much fun! Maya hates water so she was hanging back.
Hendrix was still recovering from the long day yesterday and early morning today. He slept almost the entire time, but he enjoyed it!

Levi had fallen into some water by the stream he didn't see and sunk in up to his waist. He decided (with some encouragement from us) that he might as well get all the way in. We found a nice swimming hold up stream a ways and he went for it!

Splash! Almost a belly flop hah.

Kody coming to check out what his human is doing!

Atticus and Kody thinking about jumping in

Dylan threw a stick in and ALL the dogs went after it. Kody landed on top of Atticus.

We walked to the other side of the street and walk up the ski hill. Dylan *almost* made it to the summit. I didn't get quite that close. To be fair, I had a baby strapped to my chest, and it gets pretty steep up there!

Rachel (Carly and Shem's niece) caught a frog!

Absolutely gorgeous

Shem threw his knife at a tree and it stuck! He went to go retrieve it and I had to snap a quick pic!

Our cars are waaaay at the bottom. I made it up farther than I thought I could!

Staggering back down

Hex (still sleeping) decided his wrist was very tasty.

"this is scary!" -Dylan