Yes, this is a little old. I'm behind.
Kimberly sent me to a blog where they did this.
You need silk ties so Dylan and I went to Salvation Ar
my and found a nice little selection. Some of the ties I had to fight
Dylan for. He seriously owns over 200 ties. Why would he w
ant more?? Then we cut the liners out of the ties and opened them up.
Then we cut them out big enough to wrap snuggly around the eggs. Wrapped those in pieces of pillowcase (which, by the way, we used a new one. Dylan is attached to his pillowcase haha) and put them in a pot. Filled that pot with enough water to cover the eggs then added 1/4 cup vinegar. Boiled for 20 minutes and......
We had a really good time! I didn't get very good pictures but the eggs looked amazing! I think we will do it again next year but maybe let them boil for a bit longer to try to get more color. Thanks for the idea Kimberly!
OH MY GOODNESS I've been wanting to try this!!! They look amazing!!! :D