Saturday, November 27, 2010

Application Done!

I'm so ecstatic! I just submitted my application for the graphic design program at BYU. This is LONG overdue. I planned on applying a year ago but they changed the application process without notifying anyone until it was actually time to apply. This put me a YEAR behind! Talk about annoying. Anyway I have just submitted my application and should find out the last week in December if I made it into the program. I'm so nervous but it is out of my hands now. Here is what my portfolio looks like. The quality of the pictures isn't the best because they had to be a certain number of pixels to turn this is what you get!

Pen and ink. 2009

Mixed media. 2008

Ink on bristol paper. 2010

Pen and ink. 2009

Color aid paper on bristol paper. 2010

Mixed media. 2010

Photoshop. 2010

Ink on bristol paper. 2010

Acrylic paint on watercolor paper. 2010

Graphite on sketch paper. 2009


  1. Heather, those are amazing. Good job and good luck!

  2. These are great! Good luck to you and congratulations for finishing the application. That itself is an accomplishment. :)

  3. Holy smokes sister. You are so talented!! I love love love your work!! I would say good luck getting in, but I don't think you are going to need it! Keep us posted!!!

  4. Wow Heather . . . these are great! Sorry we are so late in viewing them and letting you know how excited we are with your progress in this degree. It seems like you are really enjoying it too.
    You are amazing, and we love you!
    Mom and Dad
