Sunday, September 21, 2014


August went by so quick and here it is mid-September and I'm behind so the rest of August gets lumped together! Saddle Bag Island was out big adventure in July/August so these are just some pictures from the rest of the month.

There is an artesian well not far from our house so we made the little trip and filled up our
food storage water jugs. hashtag prepared. 

Atticus LOVES water (except baths) and hadn't been to this part of the river yet. He was
checking out all the smells before he went swimming.

Baking in the sun. Running water is such a soothing sound.

Just past the well are some ice caves. We obviously weren't going to go
spelunking without Hex, but we wanted to go look since we were in the area!

The opening to the caves. It's a tight squeeze. We could feel the caves before we saw them.
There was quite a cold draft coming from them!

My boys love hiking!

Just taking a peek.

We passed quite a few fields of sunflowers on the way there and back

This boy squirms and squirms until he is laying in a way that can't
be comfortable before passing out.

Sitting on his cousin!

Three four-point bucks still in velvet eating apples off the neighbor's tree.

Dylan and Simon went on their annual camping trip (Theo couldn't make it, but
they are going to shoot for one in October). We got to spend some time with Simon.
We sure miss that boy!

Best buds. Just chillin

Hanging out at Nana and Papa's watching the boys move firewood

Glenda and I made a lot of freezer meals for Carly to make dinner time easier once
her little guy shows up. Hendo spent some quality time with Nana!

Again, squirming until he can in no way be comfortable before passing out.

Getting too big!

Learning to feed himself!
Dylan lost his wedding ring at Lisa and Quinn's house when we were there earlier. We decided it would be cheaper to drive back and look for it than purchase a new one. Plus he is rather attached to this one. Also, my parents were watching Kim and Sean's kids while they were in Hawaii and painting the house, so we wanted to help out!

Being serenaded by Grandpa

Just hanging out in the shade while we do the hard work!

The house has ALWAYS been yellow. I love the new color!

Atticus loves being at my parents house!
We borrowed my dad's metal detector and took off to the Johnson's. They had looked for Dylan's ring with no luck (Dylan even offered the kids money incentive!) and we were sure we would put in hours finding it. We pull up and Dylan gets out the metal detector and starts looking in the area we lost it. He hadn't been looking very long and said "Man, this is going to take forever!" And Tycen walks over and said, "Oh look!" and picked up the ring. Hallelujah!

Hex loved this stuffed turtle that was as big as he is!

Atticus got lots of attention

He's a natural

Singing along as Aunt Lisa learns a new song!

We went swimming in the ocean. Atticus had never been to the ocean before and loved it,
but he kept trying to drink the water! We didn't want him to stay salty so some of the boys
helped him get a bath!

Lance and Paul reading bedtime stories to Hex

Walking on Madrona beach the next day. We found some awesome rocks in the low tide!

Our house had been pretty neglected and Dad and Hendo went on a cleaning spree
while I was working. I turned to see what they were doing and saw this. So precious.

Hendrix was totally entranced by Dylan's voice while we were reading our scriptures.

This was too cute. He was playing with a little stuffed bird rattle while he was falling
asleep. Can you find it? I have no idea how it ended up there.....


  1. Such a fun post!! Those pictures were awesome. And, you have the cutest baby on the planet!!

  2. love all the photos. so much fun!
