Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hi. My name is Heather. I am a sugar addict.

It got this bad today:

Dylan literally hid the cookie jar from me. And I searched. And I got angry when I couldn't find the cookie jar. I was convinced I had looked everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE. It gave me some ideas for where I could hide things in the future) and I thought the only logical explanation was Dylan took it to work with him. He came home from work on his break and gave in to my pressure and showed me where he hid it. How did I not look there??? Needless to say...I had more cookies. I have some serious issues. Acceptance is the first step, right?

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I have a serious sugar addiction too.
    Maybe we just need to set a limit on the amount of sweets we can eat in a day.
    When I went on the "raw" diet, it helped a lot, but incorporating "normal" food back into my diet made it come back.
    My problem though is I don't see it as a problem. :)
