Thursday, February 23, 2012


Atticus is half St. Bernard half Lab. His mom was a small St. Bernard, so we are hoping he doesn't get too huge! We've seen some pictures of Labernards that are 140lbs! Atticus was born November 22, 2011 and joined our family on January 24. He weighed in at the vet last week at 20lbs

Atticus is a fast learner. He loves to fetch. He loves the snow and will run outside in it for hours. He really likes to eat it too. He is unsure about the wind and hates thunder.  He does very well with other dogs (so far, he hasn't met very many) and was so well behaved when he went to the vet. Didn't even whine when he got his 12 week shots! He doesn't care for baths so much but loves to be brushed. He is such a little cuddly boy, unless Terrah is over. Then he is going crazy. He loves her and gets so excited when she is here. Atticus is also potty trained! It took about two weeks before he was completely accident free. We tied some bells to our back door that he rings whenever he needs to go outside. He is so well behaved and we love him so much. I'm so grateful we decided to get him!

Now, brace yourself for 4 weeks worth of adorable pictures. I can't get enough of this boy. (They are mostly from my phone, so not the best resolution)

The day we got him!

First time at home

He likes to sleep at the edge of his soft kennel. All his fat rolls are squished up and adorable.

Staying warm with Dad

We had a huge storm and Atti didn't like it. He stayed under the foot of our bed the whole day.

Sleeping in with Dad


He LOVED this toy. Destroyed it in a day. 

First bath

Sleeping on the couch with Mom

He loves this spot under my desk. Almost doesn't fit anymore! He keeps me company while I work all day

Atticus loves wrestling

and cuddling

He is so freaking adorable with his bandana on

Watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2

And Modern Family

Helping Dylan with his math homework

Keeping me company as I work

Playing in his kennel. He is SO MUCH bigger now!


  1. AHH he is so adorable! And he did grow super fast!!! Dang, these pictures make me want a puppy :) he sounds wonderful!

  2. um he is huge! haha i miss him! (and you guys.)

  3. And I thought Uncle Irv and I were spoiled puppy owners! You two have us beat sideways. Our two girls are very cute, but Atticus is a stunner.
