Thursday, September 22, 2016


Kimberly was on the main land for the Hood to Coast run. She spent some time at my parent's house first so we made a quick visit up to see her!

My son is so handsome!

Eloise was so happy to see Grandpa

Tucked in with his water bottle, Momma Fox, and Baby Fox

Such Cheeks!

Wants to sit in a regular seat!

It was Boeing Family Day while we were there. They open up the facility and let Boeing employees bring their families. It was so fun to see where Quinn works! It was seriously incredible the size of everything. The building he works in has the largest footprint of any building in the world. Disney world could fit inside with room to spare!

This is such a big deal. Eloise is so social and never sleeps if there is anything going on. She fell asleep in Grandma's arms at church AND at Boeing! Grandma carried her around for about an hour before we got back to the car. Arms of steel!

Looking at the eggs in the incubator!

Hendrix loves Seal

Staying up late eating chips and salsa with Aunt Lisa!

"Mom! Quinn. Milk. Goat."

Kim, Kyle, Will, and I were planning on kayaking over to Whidbey Island. However, as soon as we got out we saw a couple groups of harbor porpoises playing so we just ended up following them around!

Helping build the back deck on Grandma and Grandpa's house!

We were packed and all ready to go. I was looking for Hendrix so I could change his diaper before we got in the car and he came around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and in his sweet little voice said "Hi, Momma" and it startled me so bad!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

August part 1

August is getting split up, because we made a trip to Washington in the middle I want to document! Enjoy my adorable children.

Look at the rolls on this girl!

Hendrix was helping me make dinner. He took some shredded carrots, added it to his smashed grapes, and created his own masterpiece. He loves to help me out in the kitchen!


More music!

My little brother Will when hiking (he lives in Idaho) and sent me this gorgeous photo.

9 months old! 19.5 lbs • 28.25 inches tall

We start young at the embroidery shop!

Tomatoes canned in their own juice is probably the biggest staple in my pantry. I ran out before tomato harvest this year, so canned extra this time!! I was wishing I got more done before the season was over, but got too busy!! Hopefully this lasts us :)

Made myself a shirt!

Really good at fixing things!

She loves to play.

In the new space! Things are coming together :)

Hendrix LOVES to have a blanket over his head like this. I'm not sure why, but I'm not complaining. He is adorable. Also, this is his desk at the shop. He knows it's for him and it's always well stocked with paper and crayons!

We were having dinner at a friend's house and Hendrix decided to ride a car toy down the ramp.....and biffed it at the top of the ramp and fell face first over the side. He only cried for a little bit. We got him cleaned up and it wasn't long before he wanted to go again! We had to hide the cars from him haha. He is so tough! Sure broke his Mom's heart though!

the next day

Spent some time up in the 40 acre woods! We feel so blessed to have such a beautiful piece of land to call our own. We had 1 trager, 2 gold pans, 3 cars, 4 dogs, 5 grandkids, and 6 adults!

Momma, it heavy

I was trying to change Louie's diaper at church and she just wanted to play with her reflection


I can't tell you how this warms my heart. He is just like his momma in this aspect. Should be sleeping, but up with a light and a book.

Best buds

Eloise got distracted playing the piano and forgot about Bear!

Reading new books!

Carly was babysitting and Hendrix just stopped playing, made himself and little bed, and laid down for a bit.

Mom. Gasses. Momma gasses, mine gasses.

Getting furniture built!

The Puerto Rican cousins sent the kids a couple new outfits. They are so adorable!! I love that we have such a great relationship with Glenda's family even though they are so far away. We are hoping to make a trip to visit one day!

Hendrix wanted to help me pack for our trip....