Monday, February 16, 2015

The power of pledge

Dylan and I were cleaning the house today and this memory came to mind. I wanted to document it before it became forgotten!

Hendrix was a very new baby, probably a couple weeks old, and we decided our house needed some deep cleaning. We had cleaned, scrubbed, washed, dusted, vacuumed, the works. I was finishing up the bathrooms and Dylan was mopping the floors. He wanted something to make the hardwood look super nice.....and found the pledge. He thought "oh, I bet this will make the floors shine!" so...he mopped the floors with pledge. I'll admit, the hardwood did look fantastic. It was also a slippery death trap for about a week and a half! It didn't matter if you were barefoot, wearing socks, shoes, whatever. You were going to slip on those floors! It made me so nervous to carry Hendrix around but we got into this slow careful sort of bouncy walk that kept us safe :)